Resourceful Information on Digital Assets

Google Image Ads

Banner Advertising is something that bothers many internet users when surfing.  Pop up posts are okay for newsletters and discounts but you don't w...
Reduce Cart Abandonment

Reduce Cart Abandonment

Social Media Marketing and Management Services

Social Media Marketing and Management Services

We offer a variety of updates services.

5 Myths Keeping You From Increasing Instagram Engagement

5 Myths Keeping You From Increasing Instagram Engagement There are many misconceptions when it comes to knowing how to increase engagement on Inst...

Buy One, Get One!

BOGO The acronym BOGO stands for Buy One, Get One. This technique works so well because it plays directly into the most powerful motivators of con...

Brand Development Services for you.

Brand development can be anything from your brand strategy to your logo, advertisements and overall marketing efforts.    If you are a Brand Devel...

2020 IG Influencer Updates

Influencer Deals Are Fading for Social Media Sponsored posts on Instagram fell from representing 35% of influencer content in mid-February to 4% o...

Music Promotion

Music promotion is the process of raising awareness about your music. A lot of people can make good music, but the ones who excel in the music ind...